Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I'm not quite sure what it is. Maybe I watched too much Beauty and the Beast when I was little. Whatever it was, I really love books. Library books. Really old books. Picture books. Pop up books. They're fantastic. And honestly, I'm not the biggest reader. I wish I was, but I'm usually keeping busy by making things. Maybe it's because books can so easily be transformed into a work of art. Like old editions of Peter and Wendy by J.M. Barrie. They have the most beautiful illustrations by F.D. Bedford, even on the spine and on the cover. And those great old picture books I'm always looking for at used book stores. They make the best collages. So I thought I'd share some images of books used as art.

Even animations with books are amazing! 

NZ Book Council-Going West by Andersen M Studio

And in the unlikely case that this wasn't enough for you, check out Brian Dettmer's Flick and his website

Ps. Click the images for sources.

1 comment:

  1. wow, i'm so glad you shared this. although i do find it a little disturbing that somebody would take scissors to a book, one of those worst nightmare situations.
